Bundi Tourism and Travel Guide

the beautiful city of lakes, gardens and stepwells - a city which holds endless surprises for the visitor. Isolated and independent, the entire township appears like a miniature painting, frozen in time, for the traveler. It is a city with the tradition of learning so ancient and renowned that it was better known as Choti Kashi. The Bundi of today has managed to retain most of its medieval charm. Set in a narrow encircling gorge, the palaces and fortress of Bundi have a fairy tale quality about them. Few other palaces in India have such a picturesque location. Given the rulers lifestyle, it is amazing that they had the time to build some of the most beautiful palaces to be seen in Rajasthan. The Naval Sagar lies in the middle of the town and a temple dedicated to Varuna, stands submerged in this lake. Jait Sagar lies to the north of Bundi. Situated amidst a garden on its bank lies the SukhNiwas Palace where Rudyard Kipling spent a lot of time. A little further away is the Sar Bagh with its 66 royal cenotaphs adorned with some of the most beautiful carved statues and marble friezes.

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